
We are pleased to announce that the article “Disclaimer – und kein Ende?” by our Partner Dr. Stefan Féaux de Lacroix has been published in Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, No. 9.

Disclaimers are tools to exclude unwanted subject matter from a patent claim by adding a negative limitation to the claim.

15/09/2020 | Dr. Stefan Féaux de Lacroix

The concept of disclaimers was established by case law: For European patent applications and patents, the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO decisions G 1/03, G 2/10 and G 1/16 form the legal framework. The recent German Supreme Court (BGH) decision "Phosphatidylcholin" (X ZB 5/16) opens up new possibilities for disclaimers. Stefan Féaux de Lacroix discusses the possible implications that the BGH decision may have on EPO disclaimer practice.

Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte


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