
GPTO extends Time Limits

Time limits granted by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office regarding all pending IP procedures are extended ex officio until 4 May 2020 and, until that date, no decision will be made because of the expiration of any time limit.

09/04/2020 | Dr. Günter Isenbruck

Separate notices concerning the extensions of time limits will not be issued. In addition, the time limits to be set by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office will be as generous as the situation requires.

Please note, that the extension of time limits shall not apply to time limits relating to applications for the international registration of marks or requests for subsequent designation under the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the international registration of marks (PMMA). Regarding subsequent designations relating to international registrations, you are strongly recommended to file these requests (MM4) directly with WIPO.

GPTO Publication of 9 April 2020


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