Dr. Eva Zittel

Dr. Eva Zittel


Patent Attorney

Languages German, English, French

Location Mannheim

Contact us

You would like to talk to Dr. Eva Zittel about a specific project?

+49 621 42 271-0 zittel@ib-patent.de

Eva Zittel successfully completed her training as a German Patent Attorney at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court in 2023. The focus of her activities as a patent attorney currently includes the support of invention disclosures, patent searches, as well as the drafting of patent applications and handling cases in examination proceedings.
Eva Zittel joined Isenbruck Bösl Hörschler in 2020 and works in the field of intellectual property law. Previously, she completed her bachelor's and master's degree in chemical biology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and received her doctorate in chemistry in 2018. She then worked for two years as a researcher in a research transfer and start-up project at the KIT.