
An article summarizing the possible impact of the implementation of the Nagoya-Protocol and the EU regulation No. 511/2014 on patent practice in the biotech sector by Ivo Ruttekolk was published

26/10/2015 | Dr. Ivo Ruttekolk

The article “The shadow of ineffectual § 34 a PatG – Possible impact of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in practice” summarizes the possible effects resulting from the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the EU regulation No. 511/2014 on patent practice in the biotech sector in Germany and Europe. First, the route of implementation into the legal practice in Germany, the European Union and before the EPO European Patent Office is explained. Exemplarily, the likely effects on additional obligatory documentation requirements are considered. Finally, possible means for handling the matter in practice are discussed.

Source: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Patentanwälte, October 2015


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